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The International Association for the Protection of the Syrian Linguistic and Cultural Heritage is a non-profit association which is devoted to achieve the following objectives:

  1. The production of literary, intellectual and journalistic content in Levantine, a contemporary Syrian language.

  2. To reinforce interest in the languages and/or inscriptions ​​of ancient Syria: Sumerian, Ugaritic, Canaanite or Phoenician, Akkadian, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Hittite, Luwian, Koine Greek, Latin and Safaitic (and to study and teach them as far as possible).

  3. Protecting ancient Syrian antiquities and manuscripts and defending them against smuggling, theft, destruction, tampering and illegal possession

  4. To encourage and develop linguistic and historical research in regard to Syrian cultures and civilizations.

  5. Supporting creative Syrians , developing their creativity, and publicizing their works.

Our vision and our mission

The vision of our association is to raise awareness among human societies of the importance of the linguistic, cultural and historical heritage of the civilizations that flourished in ancient Syria before the spread of Islam focusing on the Fertile Crescent as a whole and Phoenicia in particular. We are committed to shedding light on the linguistic and cultural heritage which had been produced in this region and that has been neglected, fought and or cleansed, with or without intention, by the successive Islamic caliphates and empires. This includes the investigation of the interactions this heritage had with the ideas of the Islam, if any.

Our association aims at creating the necessary means to present, study and archive the Syrian linguistic, cultural and historical heritage and to defend its existence and consisty in contemporary cultures. This includes collaboration with other associations, organizations and individuals to preserve it from atrocities, damage and loss. 

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