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PROJECT 02: A Corpus for Syriac

Syriac is a crucially important Syrian language and its importance goes beyond religious and historical studies. We feel grateful for Syriac and its native speakers because we have thanks to it and them more means to dig into history and conduct etymoligical investigations. However, Syriac is an endangered Syrian language and hence our great interest in it as well as its literature and tradition. 

We are going to publish fiction as well as articles written in Syriac. Authors and native speakers of Syriac are kindly requested to submit their materials to one of our e-mails in order to handle them and have them published on our website as soon as possible. We hope we are going to receive a big number of materials written in Syriac in order to enrich our perceived corpus. The notion of a corpus for Syriac entails oral production. 

The board of directors

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